An update and a thank you
Last week Bela got an 'everything looks great, see you in six weeks' from her dr. The echo showed her aortic pressure down to 10! That's a great number for Bela. Her valves are still leaking, so the consensus is that we may have to do an earlier Fontan than originally planned to fix that problem. They'll have to do the Fontan work plus some work on the valve at her next surgery. But everything is looking great leading up to that, and her heart will tell us when it is ready for more work. Driving home I physically took deep sighs of relief. I wonder if the worry and nerves that I feel leading up to an appointment will ever lessen! As I drove home I couldn't stop thinking about how strong and fragile my little girl is all at the same time. She continues to amaze us. She is full of energy and loves life. The mickey button has been the best thing for her, I can't believe I even stressed about what to do! There has not been one second that I have second guessed...