Feeding clinic!

Every summer I forget how hot it really gets here. Then the heat comes and I clearly remember and I wonder how we'll make it though. I love being outside.. I would spend all day outside if I could so it makes me so stir crazy! It's hard to entertain my munchkins all day inside. Bela asks to go to the beach pretty much every day. I wish we could too Bela! I had my IFSP meeting today, and for the majority of the world who doesn't know what that is, it's a semi annual meeting with a state worker assigned to Bela's case. Today we discussed Bela going to preschool on her 3rd birthday and it blew me away! She would still have to qualify for it, and both her therapist and her case manager didn't think she'd qualify because she isn't actually delayed in any areas. I'm getting her evaluated next month, and if she does qualify she'll start school in February! My baby! I do think it would be very good for her. Especially snack time. :) In regard...