So fun!
Here are some pictures of Benson...He's 16 months old and so much fun. I'm always convinced every new stage he goes through will be my absolute favorite and then he gets to the next one and it's even better than the one before. But 16 months is definatley one of the best. He has so much personality and is ALWAYS busy.

Thank goodness for Baby Einstein movies! They are about the only thing you'll ever catch Benson sitting for (almost always with his legs crossed). He loves them. Right now he's on a baby mcdonald kick because of the cows.

He sleeps in the funniest positions...this one is actually one of the more normal ones.

Bensons first taste of acai. He loved it. He kept asking for more. We knew he had a little brazilian blood in him.


Bumps, scrapes, and bruises...things we're becoming very familiar with. He gets a new one every day. He scraped all the skin off the end of his nose from a nasty fall in this picture. It had healed a lot. He's such a boy...all about getting dirty, taking risks, getting into everything, and trying to do what the big kids are doing, usually ending in bumps, scrapes, and bruises.

Where's the airplane? He finds them all.

He did NOT want his picture taken but he was so handsome!

Playing in sand is one of his favorites.

This is an old picture, but it's one of my favorites.

Thank goodness for Baby Einstein movies! They are about the only thing you'll ever catch Benson sitting for (almost always with his legs crossed). He loves them. Right now he's on a baby mcdonald kick because of the cows.

He sleeps in the funniest positions...this one is actually one of the more normal ones.

Bensons first taste of acai. He loved it. He kept asking for more. We knew he had a little brazilian blood in him.


Bumps, scrapes, and bruises...things we're becoming very familiar with. He gets a new one every day. He scraped all the skin off the end of his nose from a nasty fall in this picture. It had healed a lot. He's such a boy...all about getting dirty, taking risks, getting into everything, and trying to do what the big kids are doing, usually ending in bumps, scrapes, and bruises.
Where's the airplane? He finds them all.

He did NOT want his picture taken but he was so handsome!

Playing in sand is one of his favorites.

This is an old picture, but it's one of my favorites.