my sweethearts
This is for no special reason in particular, it's just time. This is one of those just for me posts..:) All about Benson at 41/2: You still LOVE superheroes. You newest obsession is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You love to play outside, especially riding your bike. You loved preschool and know all your letters and letter sounds and can write a few words, but you would not participate in your graduation. You stayed behind the door hiding when everyone else walked in the room. We were wondering where you were and you were nervous to come in. It made me smile because you're just like me. Then when it was time to say the poem I know you had memorized, you didn't say a word. Oh and you refused to wear your hat. But it was cute to me because it is just who you are. You're so creative and imaginative when you play. You love to make up stories and I could listen to them all day long. You still sometimes confuse yesterday and tomorrow and I think it's funny. Your be...