Quiet Sunday
Today has been great! No problems, no real scares. The feel in our room has changed substantially since yesterday. I feel like things are going in the right direction and we're close to having our Bela back. She is much less of a marshmellow today and much more Bela today. I can see her little expressions in her face that I have missed. She held onto my finger today and squeezed it tight...I got so excited and told the nurse, she squeezed my finger, she squeezed my finger!! She probably thought I was a little wierd, but it was the greatest! She'd been sooo sedated, and they have been letting her be a lot more awake today. She been able to stay calm today being less sedated, so she must be feeling a little better. It's a good sign for going towards getting off the ventilator too. She's been brought down on her ventilator settings some today and has tolerated it great. She got her chest tubes pulled today becuase her draining has stopped. I was glad to see them go, but she DID NOT like getting them out at all. They say it hurts really bad to get them pulled and you could tell that she was in a lot of pain. You could see it in her pained face...it was aweful. She clamped down again and wouldn't breathe, because it hurt so bad, and turned really blue. But after they were out it took her a minute to catch her breath and she feel back asleep. So all and all it has been a wonderful day!
This is right before pulling the chest tubes. The chest tubes wrap around inside of her chest, so they just kept coming and coming as she was pulling them. It was crazy. I always say, all of this would be so fascinating to me if it wasn't my baby going through it.

The changes in Bela have been subtle, and so you probably can't notice much from these pictrues, but we have noticed them. She looks much better today than yesterday. We can tell she is feeling better and that makes EVERYTHING better. She's such a fighter!

This is right before pulling the chest tubes. The chest tubes wrap around inside of her chest, so they just kept coming and coming as she was pulling them. It was crazy. I always say, all of this would be so fascinating to me if it wasn't my baby going through it.

The changes in Bela have been subtle, and so you probably can't notice much from these pictrues, but we have noticed them. She looks much better today than yesterday. We can tell she is feeling better and that makes EVERYTHING better. She's such a fighter!

Give her a kiss and tell her we are proud of her and the step she made in the right direction. I really cant wait until they are both big enough to get together for play dates...once again, it was great seeing you guys today!
See and talk to you soon.
Sending our Love,
Jenna and Lilyana!
still praying for all of you...