I just heard Bela on the monitor and walked in to her room to find her gagging and retching and trying to rid her body of thick, nasty formula. For some reason, her body does not like the stuff. It was so thick she was choking on it as it came up and her poor little eyes were all red and bulging from gagging so hard. I picked her up and cleaned her off and held her little trembling body for awhile til she fell back asleep in my arms. I havn't mentioned her throwing up lately on the blog, but she still is, a lot, and I am SICK to death of watching her do it! It's so sad that it's not what she's choosing to put into her body that she's throwing up, mommy pumps it in her and how should I know when it's too much? It's sooo aweful, I feel so bad. So we went to the GI doc yesterday (a brand new doctor who had just met Bela for the first time) who told me that she wasn't growing quickly enough. She had only gained about 4 grams a day and she's suppo...