Heart babies
I wanted to write a few words about sweet baby Annabelle who passed away on Thursday. I posted her story on my blog about a month ago. She was born a month before Bela and I followed her journey through her surgery and going home. She was a beautiful little angel and fought so hard for the two months she was here. I didn't know the family well, but have felt close to them as they shared their story, through good times and difficult times. She is back in Jesus' arms, happy and whole. I also wanted to share Gracie's story. Baby Gracie was born on March 20th with HLHS. She has been fighting for 11 days to stay here, but her little heart may not be able to fight much longer. She has been on an ECMO machine that is keeping her heart beating. On Wednesday or Thursday they are going to stop the machine and see if her little heart might be able to start pumping on it's own. We are praying for her and her family, and ask that whoever reads this post will do the same. Thro...