Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feeding frustrations

The last couple days and nights have been wonderful, but I have to admit a little frustrating as well. Yes, I have been able to start trying to nurse Bela, but that is what it has been...trying. Since she went so long without nursing, she's having to re-learn how to do it. Once in awhile she'll get a good latch, but then she tires out too quickly, so it's been hard to get her to take in much milk that way. I get to try nursing every 6 hours and in between she gets a bottle feeding. Whatever she dosn't get at each feeding she gets through her nose and it usually ends up being most of her full feeding. :( She has also been spitting up quite a bit of her feedings. This morning she had actually thrown up her nose tube out of her mouth so they had to put a new one in and she didn't enjoy that.. She needs to start keeping her food down to gain weight, and also for us to be able to take her home. The last few days she has been losing a little weight each day, which has been making us a little nervous, but this morning she was up a little bit again which was good news. If she dosn't gain they'll not let me nurse anymore and go back to all tube feedings. It's so hard for her to get the suck swallow thing down, and it's so hard for her to get in a full feeding without tiring herself out. This will definatley be a huge battle for Bela. We're working hard on it and she's doing a little better each time. I'll be staying with her around the clock now so that we can work at it together, and I know she'll get it eventually. She's such a strong little girl. I'm just extremely grateful that I am able to try nursing her at all.
Everything else is still looking really good. Her heart is doing just what it's supposed to for now. Her stats all look great, and she's still off all meds. She gets an antibiotic twice a day for a sore that might be infected from one of her IV sites but that is it. She has long periods where she's totally awake and checking out the world and we're loving it. Her voice is also starting to come back little by's much stronger now and she's starting to actually keep me up at night with it! It's actually really nice to be 'up all night with the baby'. Life is so great and we are soo blessed.


Sally Jensen Interiors said...

Oh sweetie...I totally understand nursing frustrations and I am sure this is even harder because its so important for her to gain weight. I'm so sorry. Hang in there though...she WILL get it. It's amazing that she is doing as well as she is. She will get stronger and pretty soon it will just be natural. I am home...can I see you or do anything? Dinner to your fam? Bring you something to eat? Bens come over?

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Ugh... your frustrations sound all too familiar. It's a hard skill for little ones to get when they aren't able to start doing it right after birth! After 6 weeks of trying, Savannah still wouldn't nurse for me, but she never even latched on. So the fact that Bela has latched on a few times is a VERY good sign! She'll get the hang of it. But for right now the important thing is that she is getting your milk regardless. The fact that this is your biggest hurdle right now is such great news though... it means that in all other ways she is doing just perfect! Thanks for all the updates.

Dana said...

Hang in there with nursing - I'm sure your amazing little Bela will catch on!!! I am so glad her heart is doing so well and I pray that she will start gaining weight!!! Thanks for the updates - I hate being so far away and not being there to help you!! Hope to talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Let us know what we can do to help now that you are staying at the hospital round the clock.

Scott McMillan said...

Your little girl is adorable. Things do get much easier with time. Our son had a norwood at birth and just had his Glenn. These little kids truly are so strong and examples to all. All our love and prayers.

The Ridgway Family said...

I am so happy for you that you got to nurse Bela for the first time. I was able to nurse Eden for 3 days while in the hospital with her and it was so wonderful. I really miss that now, but I know I will get the chance again soon. I am so excited at how well little Bela is doing. You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and I can't wait to meet you all.