Finally going home, we hope!

Bela wasn't able to go home yesterday so today we play the discharge waiting game. We have to wait for the doctors to make their rounds to see if they will let us go home. We are excited be back together and get Bela in a less stressful and more comfortable environment. Grandma Jodi spent the night with Bela last night so Avery could get a good nights rest before she is back to sleepless nights. Last night they gave her zantac and she had a much better night and did not have any vomiting eposodes. It is weird to think that Bela is 7 weeks old and has spent 5 weeks here in the hospital. We constantly tell the staff, "we know that this is your job and we appreciate all you do, but we don't like being here." We have been here less than we had prepared for but nonetheless exhausting. Once again, we hope to not be back here for another 3 or 4 months, but whatever we have to do to keep Bela healthy and progressing.
It is so humbling to run into people I don't see very often and to hear that they are constantly praying for Bela and our family. We feel your prayers and we see the results in Bela's progress. She reminds us every day that God Lives and he continues to perform miracles.
Matt 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
May these words of Jesus comfort your hearts.
In Jesus the Christ's love we share.