Transplant 4

In January of 2023 we first heard the word transplant. I had always hoped it would be much later down the road. But we had been hearing about signs of failure for awhile, and I suppose it shouldn’t have come as quite a shock as it did. But when we were finally ready to list her for heart transplant after all the testing and evaluations, her liver testing showed that her liver was also failing possibly beyond repair and she might be looking at needing a dual transplant. It was devastating. There are only a handful of successful dual transplants done in the US each year, and it is still relatively new. PCH had never done one, so we were looking at having to go elsewhere for it. So we decided to transfer over to Stanford medical center for a second opinion. They also agreed that their initial findings did not look good and she needed to be dual listed. We started trying to understand what this meant for our family, and decided if we were listing and wait...